Sunday, February 24, 2008

There Might Be a Blog Here Someday

Hello!  The title of this post really says it all; if I ever have time and feel like typing up my opinion on something (and I have a lot of opinions, all of them correct) and I'm done with homework or more likely avoiding homework.  Meanwhile, a little about me (not that you don't already know me, those of you who are likely to actually read this):

My name is Dan Little, and I am a geology  major at Brigham Young University - Idaho.  I have been married for three years, but no kids yet.  I have unusual tastes in music and other things, but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy something mainstream if it's good.  My favorite movie is Fight Club, my favorite singer Emilíana Torrini, my favorite books a tie between the entire Harry Potter series and Ender's Game.  I also think that George Lucas should be tried as a criminal four times:  once for each of the Star Wars prequels and once more for Ewoks.  Okay, so maybe that's a harsh opinion for a first blog post, we'll save it for later.

Meanwhile, check out the links to Rebekah's and Scott's blogs (you guys are probably the only ones reading this, anyway), and also the links to Orson Scott Card's website (great articles every week) and Rush Limbaugh's website (great articles every day).  Also, isn't it annoying on these blog sites that the music starts playing with no respect whatsoever to what you're already listening to?  So turn your music off and listen to some of mine now.

Before you ask, the name of my blog comes from the name of one of my favorite songs, by Modest Mouse.  It's in my playlist below.  It's a great song, if a bit depressing; I especially like the solo violin in the background (it's a real violin, not a synthesizer).  Fair warning, there are a couple "swear" words in it, but they're very appropriately used.  I might dedicate a future post to my opinion on why it's silly to be offended by a couple words just because they don't come from French or Latin roots, but I thought I'd warn you if you're easily offended.  Enjoy!

Also, get back to your homework!

1 comment:

Rebekah Wood said...

Congratulations on joining the blogging world! :) I always love your opinions! Ha ha ha...and I really like your music, well some of it.