Friday, December 5, 2008

St. Anthony Sand Dunes

I've got a lot I want to blog about - some political topics, music, I even survived the entire Twilight movie and want to talk about that - but with one week left of school and far more schoolwork left to do than can be fit in a month, I don't have time yet. I want to post something, though, so here are some more photos I took for my photography class, this time at the sand dunes near St. Anthony, Idaho, at sunset a couple weeks ago.

This train that is always there looked extra cool in the low light.

The low evening light also looked very good on this stack of hay bales.

The sand dunes near Sand Hills Resort.

Low evening light really brought out the ripples on the dunes.

Mine were the only human footprints I saw that day.

Snow melted, seeped into the sand and froze; on the shadier north sides of the dunes snow still remained.

A slump on the dunes.

I have no idea what animal makes these tracks.

I love this picture because you can see the silhouettes of the Menan Buttes volcanoes in the background.

The bases of these ripples were frozen in place, and the tops blew away.

That's all for now!


Rebekah Wood said...

These pictures are absolutely beautiful! Idaho has a certain beauty about it, doesn't it! Thanks for sharing.

Jules said...

Your pictures look great! I like the sunset ones best.

Professor Chaos said...

Yes, Rexburg is surrounded by amazing scenery, especially on those rare clear days where you can see all the mountains around the valley. And as little as I like Rexburg itself, I've never lived anywhere that has such consistently amazing sunsets.

AmELiA BeDeLiA said...

How come on the picture that says "Mine were the only footprints I saw that day" There was only one foot... what did you do to the other one?

Professor Chaos said...

Sorry to take so long to respond, Amy. There are two feet, but especially when I walk quickly I tend to take long strides, and with the boots I had on there's not much curve to the footprint, so it kind of looks like I hopped on one foot.