Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don't Blog When You're Tired!

Well, I'm in West Virginia now, and it's pretty cool so far. The rig wasn't drilling all yesterday, which meant free time, so I hung out with the two mud loggers I'm working with at a local bar and listened to some halfway decent local band perform classic rock songs while they got drunk. It was fun; I only wish the kitchen at the bar hadn't already closed that late, since I was kind of hungry. At least they had potato chips and Pepsi. I'll blog more about West Virginia later, hopefully after I can get some good pictures.

I'm totally kicking myself, though, because when I posted about the one year anniversary of this, the interweb's most interesting blog, I completely forgot one of the coolest thing I meant to mention: the fact that this blog has been noticed and commented on by two celebrities! If you're thinking Clint Eastwood and Edward Norton, you're very close. If you're thinking Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan, you're very closer. If you're thinking Jane Novak and the Tron Guy, you just nailed it!

Yeah, Jane Novak, author of the blog Armies of Liberation, commented on one of my 9/11 posts. Jane keeps a blog commenting on current affairs in Yemen, criticizing the Yemeni government and calling for free speech and freedom of press in that country. I don't know anything about Yemen, but Jane's blog is apparently effective enough that it is banned by the Yemeni government, and she is routinely vilified by the government-controlled press there. Not bad for sitting at home and blogging while the kids are at school. And she liked my 9/11 post, which is awesome. I bet soon I'll be banned in Yemen, with middle-eastern government officials demanding my head.

Oh, right, and
Tron Guy. This is where I learned my lesson to not be too outspoken about other people without thinking, because you never know who might be reading. While ranting about the annoying and stupid ad campaign Microsoft ran a while back, I made some offhand comments about Jay Maynard, the Tron Guy, that were a bit harsh. Turns out the guy is pretty cool, though I would never be comfortable enough with my nerd-ness to actually make a Tron suit and be seen in public. Jay has handled it pretty well, actually; once this sort of thing gets going, press coverage and all, you can't live it down, so he's running with it and accepting his identity as the Tron Guy instead of hiding in embarrassment. Also, being much more tech-savvy than I am, he's set up his computer to let him know any time he's mentioned on the internet, and he goes to check it out. That's how he found my blog, and commented, and we had a bit of an interesting exchange in the comments on that post. It was pretty cool. I never imagined when I started this blog that it would lead me to carry on a conversation with the Tron Guy. Come to think of it, once I press "Publish Post" he'll probably get an alert, and read this post. Think, while you read this, Tron Guy could be reading, too....

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