I'm not going to give my story of how I remember where I was when 9/11 happened, because everyone does that and my story isn't exciting anyway. I will, however, share this excerpt from Rush Limbaugh today. I don't care what you think of Limbaugh, if you think you don't like him because he's a white, rich, racist, arrogant snob, it's because you haven't listened to him. It takes about six weeks to become fully acclimated to his show, used to all the jargon he uses and his nicknames for public figures, etc.; but his analyses are always right on, brilliant, and insightful. This is a 9/11 timeline of sorts, but not like what you hear elsewhere; this is a timeline of the politicization of the attack, and the hypocrisy of Democrats who accuse Republicans of using 9/11 as political leverage:
RUSH: This is the seventh anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th of 2001. Everybody says you shouldn't politicize this day. Sorry, can't help it. My remembrances of the September 11th attacks do not just stop on the day of 9/11. There have been a lot of things that have happened since those attacks, and I think we need to remind ourselves of them, because it was seven years ago, ladies and gentlemen, that we were blindsided. Nineteen terrorists possessed by evil, hijacked our airplanes using box cutters. They stopped an election that was taking place in New York City. They brought down the twin towers. They blew a hole in the Pentagon. They crashed a plane in Pennsylvania that they were trying to get back to Washington to crash into either the Capitol or the White House. At the end of it all, nearly 3,000 Americans were dead. But up 'til that point, Al-Qaeda's war on America had already claimed hundreds of American lives, through embassy bombings, the USS Cole bombing in Yemen, and countless other attacks.
On the day that Daschle launched his attack into Bush for not doing anything, Bush was planning that very attack. Daschle's attack on Bush for doing nothing came on the eve of our military operations in Afghanistan. Democrat political memos suggested that the president's popularity could be diminished by branding him a liar on weapons of mass destruction and any number of other things. The Democrat Party began to politicize this event within days. They were doing everything they could to come up with a strategy, to end up blaming this on Bush, head into the 2002 elections so that they could retake the House and the Senate. Democratic political memos, in addition to suggesting that Bush could be branded a liar, Democrat political memos surfaced from Jay Rockefeller, strategizing how to use the war for political gain, and I, to this day, have that memo from Jay Rockefeller on my desktop of this computer in my studio here at the EIB Southern Command. I have not filed it away so that it will be tough to find, and even with my Spotlight search feature, I have put it on my desktop, and it's never left.
Hillary Clinton echoed the conspiracy-based claim that Bush knew about the attacks beforehand. We had a Democrat-voting poet laureate from New Jersey claiming the Jews did it because all of the Jews got out of the World Trade Center. The Drive-By Media amplified this guy's theory. All over the place, theories were expounded and amplified that suggested George W. Bush not only knew about it, but if he knew about it, he had to be in on it, let it happen. The Democrat Party seized after just a couple days, couple weeks the opportunity of these attacks on 9/11 to politicize everything so as to reacquire their power, and they did not stop, and they have not stopped for seven years. Left-wing Hollywood's revisionist history movie, Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11 was released. It won the big award at the Cannes Film Festival. I am convinced to this day that to whatever extent the American president, our population, our country is hated and despised around the world, it's because of who around the world has seen that lying propaganda piece of garbage movie that Michael Moore made. And then Jay Rockefeller's memo surfaced.
Seven years later, where are we? The president's diminished, video of the 9/11 attacks rarely seen, although MSNBC today replayed it all in real time. Our victories in this war on terror are downplayed. Let us not forget that the Democrat Party sought defeat in Iraq. They were waving the white flag of surrender. They were condemning our troops. They were suggesting our troops were rapists, murderers, and thugs. They were compared to Nazi thugs. Meanwhile, the same Democrat Party doing that embraced the rights, the congressional rights, the US constitutional rights, I should say, of the people who wanted to do to us again what they had done to us on 9/11. They became the sympathetic figures. We became the brutes. We were violating their rights. They were planning numerous 9/11s, but they haven't happened, have they? There have been no more attacks on this country. Not one train's been attacked, not one bus, not one bomb has made it through a port, not one airplane's been hijacked. We don't know how many terrorist attempts have been blocked because we cannot brag about our successes. We can only brag or publicize our failures, which the Democrat Party is willing to do.
Even to this day, the Democrat Party, as a political item in its new platform is claiming we are no safer. In fact, we are at greater risk than we've ever about, despite the fact they have done nothing to help protect this country. They've ended up voting for things, but they opposed them. When the rubber hit the road, the Democrats did the right thing, but not until they had ginned up so much anti-American hatred within this country, so much anti-administration hatred, so much anti-war fervor with their buddies in the Drive-By Media. Our victories have been profound. They have been downplayed. But the truth is that tens of thousands of Al-Qaeda terrorists are dead. There have been no more attacks on American soil. That, among the remembrances of the dead and the recollections of where you were and what you were feeling and what you saw that day, in addition that those, remember one thing: Despite anything you've heard from the Democrats and their associates in the Drive-By Media for the last seven years, not one more attack on American soil has occurred. Remember that.
(The Rush Limbaugh Show, Thursday, September 11, 2008)
nice post Prof Chaos
also nice music thingy you have here
Hey, this is cool; my blog got noticed by a big-name blogger! (At least, I'm going to assume that this is really Jane Novak commenting on my blog.)
I just wish the good words on this post were mine. Rush Limbaugh has insight and communication abilities that I can barely even dream of having. A truly brilliant man, and a great American.
I'm also glad you like my music.
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