Friday, October 31, 2008


I'm taking a quick break from homework while it's still Halloween to make a quick post. I used to be a big fan of Halloween when I was a lot younger, since I got to pretend to be something I wasn't and get lots of candy, which in my family we would divide into ziplock bags to be snuck into movie theaters to avoid their ridiculous prices. Now I'm to the point where the candy isn't free, and instead I will soon be the one handing it out. I guess these days it's the idea of Halloween more than the practice of it that I like. I appreciate people who have cool or innovative costumes (a buddy of mine dressed as Hot Rod, and it was very funny; I need to see that movie now), but I want to puke on the puppy and fairy princess costumes, and all the cheap costumes parents buy their kids at the store. When did Halloween become so commercialized? Have we forgotten the true meaning of Halloween? Just kidding. But seriously, I want to puke on the fairy princesses.

As a little personal celebration of Halloween, I put on the Monsters vs. Mascots episode of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC) in the background as I made a map and described rocks for my Stratigraphy/Sedimentology class, and I am sharing this episode with you guys who read my blog. For those of you uninitiated to MXC, it is a re-dub of a very strange Japanese game show called Takeshi's Castle. Rather than faithfully translate the dialogue and commentary into English, the writers of MXC have completely ignored what is being said and given their own interpretation of what is happening on-screen. They've made up teams, contestant names complete with back stories, and a whole new commentary that is hilarious and exactly my style of humor. In this particular episode, all the contestants are wearing outrageous costumes, so they aired it around Halloween a few years ago and made the teams Hollywood Monsters vs. Commercial Mascots. Just to warn you, it's very weird and a bit rude, but absolutely hilarious. I think so, anyway.


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