Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Evil vs. Spineless

Rick Warren, the Purpose Driven Life guy, held a forum on Saturday in which he asked John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama questions, almost like a debate. Obama was his usual insipid self, saying nothing but dazzling people with his "insight" nonetheless, but McCain was a real surprise, actually spouting conservative views for once. If McCain hadn't been so bitter about losing the 2000 nomination to Bush and spent the past eight years actively trying to derail the Republican Party, I would feel much better about voting for him, especially if we'd heard more than an eagerness to cooperate with Democrats all the way until this forum. Instead, this election is going to be nothing more than an up or down referendum on Obama, and I am casting my vote against Obama.

Once again after this forum the media has brought up the word "nuance." Because of its use in politics, I hate this word; and not just for its french roots. This word comes up any time a conservative smashes a liberal in a debate, which is why it came up on Saturday after McCain finally voiced strong conservative opinions to counter Obama's vapid statements. McCain spoke clearly and confidently, and Obama stuttered as usual and dodged bullets. So the media has to spin Obama's statements as nuanced, while McCain was merely "in his comfort zone, because he was with his base" according to Andrea Mitchell of NBC news. When the media says an opinion is "nuanced," it means that we, the peons who listen to talk radio and actually believe in looking to God rather than Government for our needs, cannot possibly have the mental capacity to understand Obama's elitist opinion. He said nothing, despite talking quite a lot, but actually we only hear nothing because we can't understand the nuanced opinion he is trying so hard to communicate to us. That must be why Obama stutters so much, because he has trouble speaking down to our level.

I must share this part of the forum, on which Limbaugh made a good point. The United States has done more for the entire world than any other country ever, but take a look at this question from Rick Warren and Obama's answer:
Rick Warren: "Senator Obama, what's been your greatest moral failure, and what do you think is the greatest moral failure of America?"

Obama:  "You know, there were times whether I experimented with drugs, I drank, uhhh, you know, in my teenage years, and what I trace this to is a certain selfishness on my part.  I -- I -- I -- I think America's greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we still...don't...abide...by...the basic precept in Matthew, uh, that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, uh, you do for me."
First of all, it's a silly question, but here's the point that Rush Limbaugh made on his radio show on Monday. First, he pointed to the votes Obama has cast multiple times in favor of bills that were not only pro abortion, but actually suggested that doctors be allowed to kill babies that were born accidentally but were supposed to have been aborted. The idea is that the babies weren't supposed to have been born, so even though they've survived a full pregnancy and are perfectly viable and healthy, they weren't supposed to be that way so let's dispose of them anyway. So Limbaugh brings back up the verse from Matthew, which we Latter-Day Saints might be more familiar with as "if ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me," and says (paraphrasing) "who is the least of our brothers? Could it be unborn fetuses, who can't even speak to tell us they want to live, let alone defend themselves? Could it be these unborn babies that Obama is for killing that this verse might be talking about?" Of the two candidates, I am convinced that one is evil and the other is gutless. I can't vote for the evil one, so I have to vote for the gutless one. Come to think of it, that's how Congress is, half evil, and half too spineless to do anything about it. I can barely call myself a Republican anymore.

Besides being evil, the few positions Obama can actually be tacked down on scare me. Here's what he had to say about America's military strength, and what he would do with it as President:

There you have it, from Barack Hussein Obama's own mouth, he will disarm America. This is frightening. He doesn't understand that our world unfortunately is governed by the aggressive use of force, and that there needs to be someone to stand up to evil when it decides to use force. Right now, all there is to do that is the United States. One of my favorite quotes on war comes from Éowyn in The Return of the King:
It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two... And those who have not swords can still die upon them. Would you have the folk of Gondor gather you herbs only, when the Dark Lord gathers armies?
Tolkien was definitely not pro-war (who is?), but he understood the necessity of fighting evil. Peace comes through military victory. What will Obama do about Russia? Russia has seen how eager we are to avoid conflict, and China will be watching the world's reaction to the new Russian Empire's attempts to establish itself, and our reaction may decide how they deal with Taiwan. Georgia is our friend and ally (they fly as many American flags as Georgian, and idolize Bush), but they cannot stand up to Russia by themselves. Good thing Obama urged Putin to sign a ceasefire! He did sign it, too... then kept sending troops into Georgia, with his eyes on Ukraine and Poland next. As the president of Georgia has stated, who but the United States can stand up to a threat like this? It would be disastrously irresponsible to disarm ourselves and expect that the world will follow.

A final thought on Russia is that they are fighting a war partly to re-establish the Russian Empire, and partly for oil. They are trying to gain greater control over European oil supplies, and there is nothing Europe can do about it. Meanwhile, while Russia is fighting a war for oil and the rest of the world is rushing to develop their oil supplies, the U.S. is rushing to take a position that is anti-energy. We refuse to let oil companies develop more supplies, but development of the only viable alternative source of electricity, nukular power, is also opposed (not to mention at least half of the things you see in front of you wherever you happen to be right now are made out of petroleum).

This is an issue made to order for a landslide Republican victory, and for once a few Republicans are showing some backbone and trying to force Nancy Pelosi to allow debate on this issue in the Senate. Meanwhile, what do other Republicans do? They diplomatically "reach across the aisle" to their fellow Democrats to reach a compromise. They write a bill that effectively closes all potentially productive lands to all drilling, ever. Come on! I am sick of compromise! I don't vote for you as a Republican to make friends with Democrats and compromise to give them everything they want! I vote for Republicans so they can defeat Democrats!

I have to stop now, or I will use words that most of you find very offensive.


Rebekah Wood said...

I was soooo excited to be 18 for this election...until I saw my choices. Like you said, evil or gutless and I guess I'll vote for the gutless one. I detest Obama. People are like, He's such a smooth talker and stuff, but I remember the first time I saw him last year and I yelled at him then. I'm proud to say I've never been seduced by his idiocracy. De-arm America, huh? I'd like to see that happen in the southern states and in hickvilles and other places where people hold to their right to bear arms!!! I have a shotgun in my bedroom and I'm not afraid to use it! thank goodness there's a judgment in the next life. I pity the fools.

Professor Chaos said...

If anyone deserves that shotgun, it's Obama for voting in favor of infanticide. That's way cool that you have a shotgun. I think sawed-off shotguns should be legal, because there's no better weapon for defending your home if someone's inside. When I get my evil oil money, I plan to buy a shotgun and handgun, and get a concealed weapons permit, which I think every American (who hasn't committed a violent crime) should have.

I feel sorry for you since this is your first election. I was lucky in both elections I've voted in to have someone to vote for, this year it's all about Obama, votes for or against.

Obama is only a smooth talker if he's reading a teleprompter. If he has to speak on the spot, he stutters quite a lot, and says stupider (and less quotable) things than Dubya.

He is also not a thinker, but he can regurgitate all the communist anti-American bullsh** he's been taught all his life. He is truly frightening in his ignorance and stupidity.